I just washed, clayed, sealed, and waxed my black truck over the course of this weekend. It is now raining/flurriing here in the northeast.
What is the best way to keep it clean midweek when I would not be washing my truck? Wipe it down during the rain to get the dirt off from the commute when I get to work? Wait until it stops raining? Also what about on a sunny day? Ok when I get to work/home to wipe off dust/pollen with a microfiber towel? Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you.
I just washed, clayed, sealed, and waxed my black truck over the course of this weekend. It is now raining/flurriing here in the northeast.
What is the best way to keep it clean midweek when I would not be washing my truck? Wipe it down during the rain to get the dirt off from the commute when I get to work? Wait until it stops raining? Also what about on a sunny day? Ok when I get to work/home to wipe off dust/pollen with a microfiber towel? Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you.