Hello MOL ...I would like to know how many passes should I do with a DA on my car ?I will be using M205 POLISH and M26 WAX.no compounding will be done.but will use a NANO SKIN sponge(med) because it stay outside...Father day is almost here and my sister is getting me the Porter Cable 7424xp ..So I will not be doing any hard hand work.An which pads should I use to lay down the M205 (i'm thinking a Meguiars Yellow Soft Buff Foam Polishing Pad) and for the M26(i'm thinking about using Meguiars Black Soft Buff Foam Finishing Pad).Please let me know if I have the right pad with the right product.WISH ME LUCK !!Will be my 1st time using a buffer.As with me at all time every bit of info is welcome.Thanks in advance.
