I want to apply a wax on the car but it just keeps on getting more confusing!
The problem is that I live in an apartment and take my car to the self-wash. I take it around 5 and finish drying it up by 6. Now, if I were to even begin the waxing, it will be too late at night and I won't be able to see anything. :/
I feel like my only solution is to drive back home after washing and drying the car and then doing the wax but that brings up another problem as well because the car will have accumulated some dust and dirt on the road which I will then put the wax on -.-.
Maybe I'd need to go home after washing and drying at the self wash, clean any picked up dirt and dust using Meguiar's D15501 Last Touch Spray Detailer,and then wax?
I would also like to polish my older car to remove swirls so for that car, I'd have to clay, polish, wax and the same problem erupts again with timing constraints
I can do it in the early morning but the sun will still come out and applying the wax when it warms up is not so good. And for my other car, I'd need to polish and the self wash does not have any electrical sockets so that takes me back home to my garage
Thank you so much for any responses! I truly appreciate it!
The problem is that I live in an apartment and take my car to the self-wash. I take it around 5 and finish drying it up by 6. Now, if I were to even begin the waxing, it will be too late at night and I won't be able to see anything. :/
I feel like my only solution is to drive back home after washing and drying the car and then doing the wax but that brings up another problem as well because the car will have accumulated some dust and dirt on the road which I will then put the wax on -.-.
Maybe I'd need to go home after washing and drying at the self wash, clean any picked up dirt and dust using Meguiar's D15501 Last Touch Spray Detailer,and then wax?
I would also like to polish my older car to remove swirls so for that car, I'd have to clay, polish, wax and the same problem erupts again with timing constraints
I can do it in the early morning but the sun will still come out and applying the wax when it warms up is not so good. And for my other car, I'd need to polish and the self wash does not have any electrical sockets so that takes me back home to my garage

Thank you so much for any responses! I truly appreciate it!