Using Meguiar's G2980 Heavy Duty Headlight Restoration Kit w/ new wipe on coating
When using any of our headlight restoration products be sure to read & follow the directions on the product packaging, and use this article for a reference.
Meguiar's G2980 Heavy Duty Headlight Restoration Kit is a system of components which can handle even severely oxidized headlights. This kit also contains Meguiar's new "wipe on" liquid Headlight Coating. The liquid format makes application of the coating easy & also provides 1 year of protection (*Lab tested per ASTM G154-12a).
To demonstrate this kit we worked a 2007 Honda Fit.
Here are some BEFORE pictures. Yellow, clouded and oxidized.

We started by wiping down the headlight lens to remove any dirt or dust with glass cleaner. It is then recommended to tape off the surrounding edges with a masking tape to protect them from the sanding & buffing process. Please note, even though the edges are taped you still want to be careful to avoid them when sanding & buffing.

After attaching the 1000 grit finishing disc to the hand pad, with a spray bottle of plain water, we misted the headlight, and began sanding the headlight in side to side motions. It is recommended to continue sanding until the headlight appears evenly "frosted." It is also recommended to frequently mist the sanding disc for lubrication. You don't have to flood the disc with water the entire time, this is more of just a "damp" sanding. If you don't have an extra spray bottle to use for water, you can also use a small container filled with water to dunk the sanding disc in as you work.

This is an example of an evenly frosted headlight. The 1000 grit fishing disc worked to remove the cloudy, yellowed, and oxidized appearance.

Next we attached the 3000 grit finishing disc to the hand pad, misted the headlight with water, and began sanding in up and down motions. This 3000 grit finishing disc step refines the sanding marks from the first step, making it easy to buff them out.

To clarify, the yellow lines in the below picture represent the motions of the 1000 grit step, and the blue lines represent the 3000 grit step. This headlight has an unique shape, it is typically straight forward up and down/side to side. What is important is you complete one step with vertical up and down motions, and the next with horizontal side to side motions.

A picture of the light after it has been sanded with 3000 grit.

After wiping off the water from the headlight, we attached the easy buff drill attachment to our corded power drill, applied some PlastX and began buffing. It is recommended to use a slow, back and forth, continuous overlapping motion. Heavy pressure is not needed and it is not recommended to use the edge of the pad. Faster drill speeds produce more cutting & polishing action, however they may also increase difficulty in keeping the pad flat against the surface. Alter drill speed as needed.

The buffing step is complete and the headlight is now clear.

After completing the headlight buffing with the drill attachment & PlastX, it is recommended to apply PlastX by hand to the entire headlight with the included microfiber towel for a "final buff". This is also done to help remove any dried product if there happen to be any.

We then repeated the process on the other headlight.

A version of Meguiar's Heavy Duty Headlight Restoration Kit has been out for many years, but the new addition for 2017 is the wipe on protective coating. After the sanding & buffing process is complete, it is recommended to clean the lens with a glass cleaner to ensure all product residue is removed. Make sure the lens is clean & dry before applying the coating.

Now it's time to apply the wipe on protective coating with the included foam coating applicator pad.
For application, we like to apply by dispensing a moderate amount of the headlight coating onto one of side of the applicator, and then apply in up and down, straight line, overlapping strokes. I have marked in the below picture in yellow lines the area of the sponge.

Once dispensed, start at either the top or bottom of the light, lightly press and sort of drag the applicator on the light, from top to bottom or bottom to top. Lift up at the end and start again with another stroke, overlapping the first, and repeat until the entire headlight has been treated.
I have marked below in yellow lines the motions of application for this headlight.

Here is the picture without the lines if needed. The Headlight Coating will be dry to the touch in 15 minutes and be fully cured in 24 hours. It is recommended to keep the headlight clean and dry while the coating fully cures.

After removing the tape, we are all finished. Below are some AFTER pictures.



Thanks for checking out the article. Feel free to post any questions or comments.
When using any of our headlight restoration products be sure to read & follow the directions on the product packaging, and use this article for a reference.
When using any of our headlight restoration products be sure to read & follow the directions on the product packaging, and use this article for a reference.
Meguiar's G2980 Heavy Duty Headlight Restoration Kit is a system of components which can handle even severely oxidized headlights. This kit also contains Meguiar's new "wipe on" liquid Headlight Coating. The liquid format makes application of the coating easy & also provides 1 year of protection (*Lab tested per ASTM G154-12a).
To demonstrate this kit we worked a 2007 Honda Fit.
Here are some BEFORE pictures. Yellow, clouded and oxidized.
We started by wiping down the headlight lens to remove any dirt or dust with glass cleaner. It is then recommended to tape off the surrounding edges with a masking tape to protect them from the sanding & buffing process. Please note, even though the edges are taped you still want to be careful to avoid them when sanding & buffing.
After attaching the 1000 grit finishing disc to the hand pad, with a spray bottle of plain water, we misted the headlight, and began sanding the headlight in side to side motions. It is recommended to continue sanding until the headlight appears evenly "frosted." It is also recommended to frequently mist the sanding disc for lubrication. You don't have to flood the disc with water the entire time, this is more of just a "damp" sanding. If you don't have an extra spray bottle to use for water, you can also use a small container filled with water to dunk the sanding disc in as you work.
This is an example of an evenly frosted headlight. The 1000 grit fishing disc worked to remove the cloudy, yellowed, and oxidized appearance.
Next we attached the 3000 grit finishing disc to the hand pad, misted the headlight with water, and began sanding in up and down motions. This 3000 grit finishing disc step refines the sanding marks from the first step, making it easy to buff them out.
To clarify, the yellow lines in the below picture represent the motions of the 1000 grit step, and the blue lines represent the 3000 grit step. This headlight has an unique shape, it is typically straight forward up and down/side to side. What is important is you complete one step with vertical up and down motions, and the next with horizontal side to side motions.
A picture of the light after it has been sanded with 3000 grit.
After wiping off the water from the headlight, we attached the easy buff drill attachment to our corded power drill, applied some PlastX and began buffing. It is recommended to use a slow, back and forth, continuous overlapping motion. Heavy pressure is not needed and it is not recommended to use the edge of the pad. Faster drill speeds produce more cutting & polishing action, however they may also increase difficulty in keeping the pad flat against the surface. Alter drill speed as needed.
The buffing step is complete and the headlight is now clear.
After completing the headlight buffing with the drill attachment & PlastX, it is recommended to apply PlastX by hand to the entire headlight with the included microfiber towel for a "final buff". This is also done to help remove any dried product if there happen to be any.
We then repeated the process on the other headlight.
A version of Meguiar's Heavy Duty Headlight Restoration Kit has been out for many years, but the new addition for 2017 is the wipe on protective coating. After the sanding & buffing process is complete, it is recommended to clean the lens with a glass cleaner to ensure all product residue is removed. Make sure the lens is clean & dry before applying the coating.
Now it's time to apply the wipe on protective coating with the included foam coating applicator pad.
For application, we like to apply by dispensing a moderate amount of the headlight coating onto one of side of the applicator, and then apply in up and down, straight line, overlapping strokes. I have marked in the below picture in yellow lines the area of the sponge.
Once dispensed, start at either the top or bottom of the light, lightly press and sort of drag the applicator on the light, from top to bottom or bottom to top. Lift up at the end and start again with another stroke, overlapping the first, and repeat until the entire headlight has been treated.
I have marked below in yellow lines the motions of application for this headlight.
Here is the picture without the lines if needed. The Headlight Coating will be dry to the touch in 15 minutes and be fully cured in 24 hours. It is recommended to keep the headlight clean and dry while the coating fully cures.
After removing the tape, we are all finished. Below are some AFTER pictures.
Thanks for checking out the article. Feel free to post any questions or comments.
When using any of our headlight restoration products be sure to read & follow the directions on the product packaging, and use this article for a reference.