Time for one of our Advanced Wet Sanding & Rotary Classes with some eager attendants! A majority of the techniques used in this class are only applicable to paints which are not factory, either custom or aftermarket.

Some Meguiar's Unigrit Finishing Papers soaking in water for use. For more information on these papers, please visit a great article, The technology behind Unigrit Sanding & Finishing Discs

Showing the class how to properly fold the Unigrit Finishing Paper onto our E7200 Foam Sanding Backing Pad. The below picture is an example of how to not fold the sanding paper onto the E7200, there is a fold of the paper onto the side we are working. Here we are showing how you can feel this fold, and how this will lead to inconsistency in cut.

When hand sanding the surface should have plenty of water, no such thing as too much.

Tight overlapping strokes

As opposed to this technique, too wide of strokes, will not be even & consistent.

Here we demonstrate a incorrect technique to approach a curve, you can see the direction we sanded from the sanding marks, and see the areas which were not evenly sanded.

Approaching the curve by rolling the foam backing pad into the curve.

And after, much better more even.

Onto DA Sanding

Here is some accumulated paint residue which should be flushed away with a spray bottle of water often.

Approaching a curve with the DA Sander.

Time to buff out & remove the sanding marks, on the left the surface has been treated with our Unigrit 1500 grit sanding disc, on the right it has been treated with Unigrit 1500 followed by 3000 grit foam finishing disc. The 3000 grit sanding marks will allow for much easier removal.

Onto some rotary discussion, here we show the amount of heat two commonly used cutting pads can generate. First is our Soft Buff Rotary Wool Heavy Cutting Pad.

And next is our Soft Buff Rotary Cutting Pad, which although it cuts less, it can generate more heat. The use of our Soft Buff Rotary Foam Cutting Pad is definitely a learned craft, a great tool to have, but heat can spike quickly, which should be taken into account.

Time to let the class attendants practice their new knowledge, here is a good example of tight overlapping hand sanding marks.

Another great examples of a properly sanded corner of one of our demonstration hoods.

Thanks to everyone for coming out!
Some Meguiar's Unigrit Finishing Papers soaking in water for use. For more information on these papers, please visit a great article, The technology behind Unigrit Sanding & Finishing Discs
Showing the class how to properly fold the Unigrit Finishing Paper onto our E7200 Foam Sanding Backing Pad. The below picture is an example of how to not fold the sanding paper onto the E7200, there is a fold of the paper onto the side we are working. Here we are showing how you can feel this fold, and how this will lead to inconsistency in cut.
When hand sanding the surface should have plenty of water, no such thing as too much.
Tight overlapping strokes
As opposed to this technique, too wide of strokes, will not be even & consistent.
Here we demonstrate a incorrect technique to approach a curve, you can see the direction we sanded from the sanding marks, and see the areas which were not evenly sanded.
Approaching the curve by rolling the foam backing pad into the curve.
And after, much better more even.
Onto DA Sanding
Here is some accumulated paint residue which should be flushed away with a spray bottle of water often.
Approaching a curve with the DA Sander.
Time to buff out & remove the sanding marks, on the left the surface has been treated with our Unigrit 1500 grit sanding disc, on the right it has been treated with Unigrit 1500 followed by 3000 grit foam finishing disc. The 3000 grit sanding marks will allow for much easier removal.
Onto some rotary discussion, here we show the amount of heat two commonly used cutting pads can generate. First is our Soft Buff Rotary Wool Heavy Cutting Pad.
And next is our Soft Buff Rotary Cutting Pad, which although it cuts less, it can generate more heat. The use of our Soft Buff Rotary Foam Cutting Pad is definitely a learned craft, a great tool to have, but heat can spike quickly, which should be taken into account.
Time to let the class attendants practice their new knowledge, here is a good example of tight overlapping hand sanding marks.
Another great examples of a properly sanded corner of one of our demonstration hoods.
Thanks to everyone for coming out!