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NXT Cleaners - Are they abrassive?

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  • NXT Cleaners - Are they abrassive?

    I am still getting Zaino zombies trying to discount the greatness that is NXT...

    As far as I have been told, NXT cleaners are chemical in nature not abrasive... is this true?

    Or does the zombies argument hold water?

    Zaino Zombies claim that NXT is an abrasive product

    (i wouldn't stop using it either way)

  • #2
    I do believe the cleaners are abrassive although very specialized and very mild. It is NOT a cleaner wax as some people like to position it.

    I know it is hard to resist sometimes when you see some of the things these guys post but, I am trying to avoid getting into these kind of arguments. There is no way you will sway someone who already has their mind set against NXT.
    2001 Laser Red Mustang GT Coupe
    Click Here for pics of my Mustang


    • #3
      I dont know if its an abrasive cleaner or not.It was my understanding that it had a light chemical cleaner to aid in bonding to the paint.What forums do you guys read this stuff i'm interested in seeing what people are wrighting.Oh ya "zaino zombies" thats really funny.


      • #4

        i am part of EFA eastern fbody as.
        lots of heated debate between the zaino zombies and the mequiars maniacs <--- thats what they call us


        • #5
          I am not a maniac, I just play one on TV!


          • #6
            I can say without a doubt that NXT will NOT strip anything off your paint. I did half my hood with #81, the other half without and than top with NXT. I could see the difference, It wasn't drastic, but it was there. I tried to take photos, but couldn't capture the difference in the photo. I don't believe nxt will "clean" any polishing oils that you already applied.

            now here is something else to think about....nxt is a consumer product, allot of people believe unless it is made strickly for the pros it can't be that good. If meguiars introduced a brown bottle of PNXT (pro nxt), even if it was really the same stuff allot of people would believe that they could see a difference. (I'm going to include myself in that) It's perception, not real fact. It's the idea that what cost more is better or whats more speciallized is better. thats not always the case but our minds have been trained to think that way about allot of things and it just hard to get away from that. besides "true" zaino zombies have had success to their liking with z products, so they aren't going to jump ship any more than I would jump ship from meguiars. both sides love what works from them. some people just get out of control about it.
            2019 GMC Sierra
            1500 AT4


            • #7
              thanks for the responces that i have gotten.

              i still would like a definative answer is the cleaners in nxt abrasive or chemical.?

              and pendragonz come on who are you trying to fool...
              on EFA he is known and MR.NXT the unoffcial spokesman


              • #8
                think we could get some help here mike?


                • #9
                  Does Tech Wax contain abrasives? Good question. The answer is No. Tech Wax contains no ingredients that will scratch the surface. NXT Tech Wax is non-abrasive.

                  If you have some NXT Tech Wax, try this,

                  * Pour a little dab out onto your car's clean finish.
                  * Rub some between two clean fingers... feel anything?
                  * Rub some between your finger and your finish... feel anything?

                  What you feel is a smooth, creamy liquid comparable to a hand lotion. NXT Tech Wax is non-abrasive, it will not scratch any car finish.

                  NXT does contain a specialized cleaner, how it works I do not know, the chemists don't tell me these kinds of things. If I use the word abrasive, people conjure up thought in their minds of gritty, scratchy particles. NXT Tech wax doesn't contain anything gritty, or any ingredient that will scratch.

                  NXT is non-abrasive. It does contain a very, sleight amount of a very specialized cleaner that enables it to eliminate very fine swirls and scratches. This is a good thing because it's a benefit to you and to your car's finish. If it wasn't a benefit, Meguiar's chemist would not include it in the formula.

                  Remember, the most important thing is the results you get. Too many people focus on what's in the bottle? What I have noticed over the last 5-6 months since NXT Tech Wax has been available is that the some people have discovered that Tech Wax cannot be beat in the appearance category, so they attack it at ever other angle they can find, mostly the durability issue and the ingredients issue. Next time you're reading a thread/argument over NXT and any other product, pay close attention not to the topic, but to the players, and their tactics. Case in point, there was a regular on Autopia bashing NXT Tech Wax on durability and then it comes out that he hasn't even tried it!

                  What really matters is when you wipe off the wax and then get blown away by the results...

                  The thing I find about Zaino, is that while it makes the finish shiny, it doesn't add the richness, the clarity and gloss that NXT Tech Wax creates, and it certainly doesn't eliminate those fine swirls we call cobweb-effect. This is most apparent in direct sunlight. This is why so many times, (actually all/most of the time), whenever you see someone post a picture of their car with Zaino on it, there are no sun shots, that is shots of the hood of a dark colored car with the sun directly bearing down on it, (without any Photoshop work done to it either). Instead its photos in the shade, in the morning, in the evening, in the garage, etc.

                  The other thing about Zaino, (and yes I have used it and tested it on multiple paint types), is that while it makes the paint shiny, so do most waxes, in fact all good waxes once applied and removed should increase the shine and beauty. I believe what a lot of people forget is that their cars paint starts out pretty shiny to start with, even with no wax applied to it. Remember, the Zaino products are marketed as "Show Car" products, not intended to be used on neglected surfaces, (Show Cars, if you think about it, have shiny finishes to start with, have you ever went to a car show where the finishes weren't shiny), thus they are intended to be used on new cars and cars in good shape, or that have been previously cleaned and polished, i.e. cars that are shiny to start with. On that note, it's interesting how Sal recommends 3M for prep work, and not Meguiar's? His personal preference of course, but in my detailing career, I can't tell you how many times I redid someone else's botched buff-out and the products they used were 3M. On the Zaino discussion forums, most of what I read for prep work is anything but Meguiar's. If a person follows the Zaino threads on a discussion forum long enough and gets caught up in the hype, sends off a check for $50.00 to $100.00 on products, then spends an entire day applying the products, they can't help but look at their car's finish and think their car looks awesome. Heck, they just spend all that time, money and effort working on their car, it has to look good. But remember now? in the case of a new car, for example a new Corvette, a new Viper, a new PT Cruiser, a new Mini Cooper, etc. it looked good to start with!. It would have looked good with a couple of coats of just about any car wax. The same car with two thin coats of NXT Tech Wax would look awesome because the ingredients in the formula would have eliminated a majority of the fine swirls and then added richness, clarity gloss and shine.

                  What most other wax products don't have is the expense, the layering hype, that is the psychological belief that adding more layers is a good thing, whereupon people are led to believe that with each additional coat, the finish will get more and more clear, and shinier and shinier and shinier, without end?

                  Paint can only get so clear and so shiny before you hit the paint's maximum potential. Yet I see people posting that they have 90 coats of Zaino on their car and somehow, each coat increased shine and clarity. This is nonsense.

                  There comes a point where after you remove your hand from the finish, after you have made your final wipe, you stand back and admire the results, not continue to apply more and more coats of something.

                  And this is where NXT Tech Wax beats Zaino, Tech Wax creates a more optically clear, richer glossier wet-look shine than Zaino and it does it in two coats.

                  If you want a deep wet shine, with crystal clear reflections, if you want to do everything you can to eliminate those unsightly cobwebs swirls, then use Tech Wax. If you want the so-called plasticy look, (shine with all the scratches), then you'll have to choose some other product.

                  If you reading a post where someone is trying to put the focus on what's in the bottle, remember, it's the results that matter most. You're not going to sit around looking at the inside of a bottle, you will enjoy driving around in a car whose finish looks great and causes people to look? and then look again.

                  With all that said,

                  "Find something you like and use it often"

                  If it looks good in your eyes, then it's the right product for you and your car's paint. If you use it often, then just the act of applying a smooth, creamy polish or wax to an automotive paint has a polishing-effect, that is it tends to maintain a smooth gloss finish.

                  Don't let people confuse you by getting you to focus on the durability issue or the ingredients issue when these are just stawman arguments to keep you from focusing on what's really important, and that is results.

                  Mike Phillips

                  "Find something you like and use it often"


                  • #10
                    Quote: I believe what a lot of people forget is that their cars paint starts out pretty shiny to start with, even with no wax applied to it. Remember, the Zaino products are marketed as "Show Car" products, not intended to be used on neglected surfaces, (Show Cars, if you think about it, have shiny finishes to start with, have you ever went to a car show where the finishes weren't shiny), thus they are intended to be used on new cars and cars in good shape, or that have been previously cleaned and polished, i.e. cars that are shiny to start with. End of quote.

                    (Edited - I'm not sure where I posted this, but this is my writing -Mike Phillips)

                    Well stated?

                    ~One man?s opinion / observations ~

                    The final finish can only be as good as the prepared surface it?s applied to regardless of the product used.

                    ~Hope this helps~

                    Experience unshared; is knowledge wasted?/ Jon
                    justadumbarchitect * so I question everything *
                    ~ Providing unbiased advice that Professional and Enthusiast Detailer’s Trust ~ Blog – http://togwt1980.blogspot.com


                    • #11
                      Good post mike .I have had better results with nxt.


                      • #12
                        Re: Zaino

                        Hello, Mike. I am new to this site. I have Dark Shadow Grey Mach 1 I bought last September. I bought into the Zaino craze myself, although I have about 15 bottles of various Meguires products in my basement. I am not arguing with anything anyone says about NXT or any other Meguires product...or even Turtle Wax for that matter.

                        On the issue of durability, I clayed and applied 2 coats of Zaino last November. The car is garaged and is not a daily driver but has albout 4400 miles on it. The finish is still slick as glass and water still runs off the car much as it did the day I first applied the Zaino polish. The finish still looks great. It was mentioned Zaino is an all day process. Actually it took me about two hour or so to polish, go over with detailing spray, then polish again. This does not include time to initially wash, clay bar, then wash again. So I don't think the actual application time for the polish was too bad, and the durability seems to be very good.

                        I am not sticking up for Zaino here, and would certainly consider trying the NXT Tech Wax. I agree that a new car should look good no matter what, even after applying peanut butter. I guess I am just a little concerned because when I completed Meguires' on-line questionnaire for their recommended protection of my car (which is garaged constantly, never left out in the rain except once, hasn't been driven in or had snow on it since I bought it) Meguires recommended waxing my car 9 to 12 times a year. That seems like a lot of work, considering how I go to great lengths to avoid getting the car dirty in the first place. What they recommended basically was that the car needed to be rewaxed after every 4 to 6 car washes. I know I have the option of doing it less often, but their recommendation seems a little excessive.

                        Incidentally, I bought a leaf blower to dry my car. It hasn't seen a towel since perhaps March, so that does add to the finish still being in such good codition.

                        Ca you give me a little more insight into this Meguires process as I am open minded about changing products. Sorry about the long post.

                        Thank you.

                        Westchester, IL


                        • #13

                          DSG Man,

                          Mike Phillips applied clay followed by Meguiar's No. 82 and two coats of NXT to my Mach1. I'll stack it up against any Zaino application!


                          • #14
                            Please forget I posted anything. Mike, sorry for the trouble.


                            • #15
                              Not bad for a 9 month old polish job.


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