I'm considering purchasing a set of Elbrus 105 wheels for my 2004 Volvo S60. The factory wheels are horrible and I can't even make them look decent anymore. It appears as if the side of the spokes on the factory wheels weren't painted properly and are now severely pitted. I've noticed this appearance on other Volvos as well (anyone else notice this problem with Volvo factory wheels).
Anyway, my wife and I have decided to keep this vehicle for a few more years and I can't take the way the wheels look. I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts about the Elbrus 105's, whether they are decent quality or not. I'm not looking for any high-end performance wheels, just something that is decent and looks better than the factory ones. I am going to keep the factory wheels for the winter months.
The wheels are silver machined with an ice coating. Anyone know what that means and what I would use to clean them?
Thanks for any thoughts.
Anyway, my wife and I have decided to keep this vehicle for a few more years and I can't take the way the wheels look. I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts about the Elbrus 105's, whether they are decent quality or not. I'm not looking for any high-end performance wheels, just something that is decent and looks better than the factory ones. I am going to keep the factory wheels for the winter months.
The wheels are silver machined with an ice coating. Anyone know what that means and what I would use to clean them?
Thanks for any thoughts.